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New to Jigsaw OOSH? Complete your Enrolment now

New to Jigsaw OOSH? Complete your Enrolment now

If you wish to enrol your child to one of our services, please follow the below 6 steps.

1. Click the BLUE Register Button to create an account.

2. Complete you and your Child's details

3. Complete the Enrolment Form – Once all information is provided press “submit” If there is any information missing, the said information will be highlighted in RED

4. You will then need to submit a Booking Request

5. Once we receive your request, we will then offer you a position depending on available places.

6. You will then receive an email, following the prompts in the email you will be able to Accept and Confirm the offer.


NOTE: If you already have a My Family Lounge account from a previous service, please insert your Email address and password in the “Sign in Here” GREEN box. This will link your existing My Family Lounge account to Jigsaw OOSH.


Please Note: Depending on your child’s care needs a meeting may be required between yourself and the Centre Nominated Supervisor before the commencement of your enrolment

Already enrolled with Jigsaw OOSH?

If you are already registered for an account with Jigsaw OOSH press the GREEN “Sign in Here” box to make changes to your current bookings, creating new bookings, change details on your enrolment form and create casual bookings.

If you have already completed an enrolment form with Jigsaw OOSH but have not yet accessed your My Family Lounge account, please press the GREEN “sign in Here” box and insert our email address you provided on your enrolment form and select “forgot Password”. You will then receive an email requesting you to set you a new password, which will grant you access to your account. We urge all families to not set up a new account as this creates issues with your previous enrolment. 


If you are having any issues after following the above instructions please Contact Us so we can get you up and running as soon as possible.


Downloading the My Family Lounge app


Connect parents and Childcare services through an innovative portal. Download the My Family Lounge (MFL) App and use your Log in details to book in Casual Day, Vacation Care bookings, Update Billing details and Mark absences.

My Family Lounge Features.PNG
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